Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Many work injuries occur because of improper ergonomics. If you're experiencing neck, back, or muscle pains that have limited your movements and are causing chronic stress, our chiropractor in Knoxville, TN, at West Knoxville Chiropractic can help.

Importance of Workplace Ergonomics

As mentioned, there are several situations on the job that can lead to muscle strains and back and neck pains, such as not using proper lifting techniques or not wearing the correct safety equipment. These, along with the right workplace setup, can prevent many workplace injuries. Additionally, there are simple stretches you can perform to reduce repetitive stress injuries that are common with office work.

Proper Workstation Posture

It's important to pay attention to your work setup to prevent a work injury as it can cause limited movement as well as put a cramp in your work and social lifestyle. Always choose an office chair that can adjust the height and armrests. Your feet should be flat on the ground or at an angle on a footstool, your back should be straight with your shoulders and relaxed, and your knees are level with your hips. If necessary, use a backrest to keep your spine straight and in alignment with the rest of your body.

Chiropractic Care Can Help Prevent a Work Injury

Our chiropractor, Dr. Nathan Leavitt, at West Knoxville Chiropractic in Knoxville, TN, handles muscle pulls and other conditions resulting from work injuries, such as not using proper lifting techniques. Dr. Leavitt helps his patients with limited movement and chronic stress find much-needed relief to improve their mood and productivity. Schedule an appointment with our doctor today by calling us at 865-287-5904 or by visiting our website. We have the right treatment for you to prevent an injury and heal from it.

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